Friday, December 31, 2004


2004 Review

Quote: "The only person we can change is ourself."
Countless unknown authors (me included) who tried to change others and finally realized the truth

Only a few hours left in 2004.

What is the best business decision you made in 2004?
What is the best decision you made regarding your personal life?
Have you achieved your top 2004 personal goal? If not,do you know why? What do you need to change to make it true for 2005? Hints: support, focus, investment of time, money, dropping non-essentials - soft addictions (tv, surfing, shopping, etc.) or hard ones (chemical substances, toxic people, ???)
Have you achieved your top 2004 business goal? If not, do you know why? What do you need to change to make it true for 2005?
Who do you most admire and respect? Not for what they have but for who they are? What quality can you develop so you can admire and respect yourself in 2005?

Happy New Year

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