Thursday, March 08, 2007


International Women's Day 2007

WOW! Happy International Women's Day 2007 to ALL women around the world. Take out the best dishes and some party food and use the day to celebrate your accomplishments, today, March 8, 2007, International Women's Day.

When was the last time you stopped and took time to acknowledge yourself for your personal and professional accomplishments, your personal qualities, like your perseverance, your warm nature, your sensuality, your sense of responsibility, your courage, your audacity, your passionate nature, your patience, your intelligence, your idealism, your originality, your quirks (yes, that makes you unique), and all your other qualities ?

Most people, and especially women, are afraid to be perceived as show-off. It's one thing to try to impress the gallery and another to deny that you are fundamentally a wonderful human being with many great qualities. It really should not matter what others think of you, but what you think of yourself will make or break your day and your whole life.

Take a few minutes today to review all your accomplishments and all your positive qualities. One fun place to start is to find a description of your zodiac sign and make your own all the positive qualities of your sign.

I recently bought a coffee cup which lists some of the positive qualities of my sign, Aquarius. It's wonderful to start and end the day with a reminder that I am a wild, wonderful woman.

Your coach

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.

Friday, March 02, 2007


All changes start from the inside

Do you find yourself back to square one? Do you feel all your attempts at changes fall flat?
Weight loss, for example, is an area where many start and most fail. Making some behaviour change without gaining more awareness and mindfulness is almost a sure way to fail.

Next time you are about to discourage yourself, stop and ask tough questions. Start with:
- What am I unwilling to admit?
- Where am I being irresponsible in my life?
- What's my benefit for not changing?
- Who would I need to be to do differently?

Your coach
Marguerite Tennier,M.A.

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